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Adult Guest Posting for Escorts & Call Girls

For a long time, Live Mumbai Escorts has served clients in Mumbai. We have tried our best to provide satisfactory escort services to men looking for girlfriends, bhabhi, housewives, and all these activities are managed by, whose main intention is to promote our escorts services in Mumbai.

Being a responsible escorts agency, we have started another website and i.e., as a guest posting website, where anyone can write an article related to escorts and call girls. This website is not just applicable to Mumbai, but all over India, as well as worldwide, that means if you have a story to share with us, related to escort or call girls, you can share it using our website -

SEO Marketing - Adult Guest Posting to promote your Escorts Services

If you are an escort agency, or if you are an independent call girl, and you are looking for free ways online to promote yourself, then, is a very good option, and for this free facility, we only expect you to write good, readable, entertaining, or informative articles. Readers can also interact with you using the comment section, which makes it very exciting.

Write/Read sex stories online for free

There are many people who write and read sex stories online. If you think you can be a capable sex writer, then you can use our platform to explore your talent. Publishing sex stories on our platform is free and just requires a basic registration with your email id. You will be emailed a password link within 24 hrs, using which you can set your password, and then, you are ready to write on our guest posting, article sharing, and sex story website.

Write Escorts / Call Girls Review online

You hired a call girl from an escort agency, or she was just independent, you can share your experience with her. How she was, how she behaved, was she good at sex, how much she charged, was the blowjob fun, etc. You can appreciate or pinpoint the negatives.

Write Sex Articles Online

Sex is a very interesting topic, people love sex, and it is a basic human need. There can be many types of sex-related articles, some can be of romantic nature, some can be medical, and some can be about accessories related to sex like sex toys, condoms, lubricants, etc. Use our platform to sell, share, and promote anything related to sex, just make sure that it is legal.

How to become a Guest posting writer online?

First Step, Register on, or visit, then click Guest Posting in the navigation to register/login. After registration, you will be emailed a password link, using which you can set your password.

Step Two, Follow the password link, that you will receive within 24 hrs.

Step Three, Login, Edit your profile and start writing.