How to treat a Female Escort?

Female Escorts are not very demanding, they are professionals. But they expect some decency from their clients. Nobody wants to be with an abusive asshole in a room for a couple of hours. So, if you are planning to hire an Escort, go through this article to understand how you should treat an Escort and get better service from them. It Pays to be Good.


Your behavior reveals a lot about you. An Escort will notice a lot about you in the first meeting and they will form an image about you in their mind, Why you have to act inappropriately in front of someone else? Give respect to take respect. Being an Escort is not an easy job. All you can do to make her comfortable is by treating her like any other Human Being. But according to my escorts, they sometimes have to go through all the abuses from their client, just because he is High or Drunk. In such cases, an escort will try to finish her job as soon as possible and leave the place. And when the client is good, Escorts loves to stay a little longer.


Escorts get paid to be with you. These women are not sex addicts or hungry for sex all the time. Some men/boys are very proud of their dick and they send them to girls on social media or on their WhatsApp number.

First of all, this is very inappropriate behavior. You should not spread this vulgarity to innocent girls. Secondly, professional escorts even provide services to the Handicaps, so they don't accept a client for his dick size, they accept a client for the money and past experiences with the client if any.


Just like you, these girls are also concerned about their privacy. They live a dual life. After they finish the job, they have to go back to their home, just like everybody, they live in a society, they have a family to protect. So, don't bother her by asking private questions. Do you want her to enquire you about your family? How many kids you have, what are their names, how old are they, what they do? So, just like you she also wants her privacy to be maintained and so she may not reveal the real details.

If you want to know her more, then the normal process is to meet her again, and because she doesn't work for free, you will have to hire her, and maybe after a couple of meetings, she may get truthful to you.


If this is your first time, then she will help you. But don't expect her to be an astrologer who can predict exactly what you are looking for. If you have any fantasy or special desire, then feel free to share it with the escort. If you will not share with the escort, how she will exactly know what is it that you want? So be clear in expressing your desires, and you will never get disappointed.